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Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

AI on Trial: Machine Learning and the Future of Sentencing

Wed, 25 Sep 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Topics to be discussed:

  • The implementation of AI in sentencing faces several challenges, including the quality and transparency of judicial data, and potential biases in AI training.
  • We propose a new way of using AI in sentencing that addresses many (but not all) of those challenges.
  • We use the unique structure of the Indonesian Corruption Sentencing Guidelines as an example to clarify how this may work.
  • Our suggested approach is based on Machine Learning and not language models (e.g. ChatGPT).


Dr Armin Alimardani is a Lecturer in Law and Emerging Technologies at the School of Law at the University of Wollongong (UOW). His publications and talks focus on the social, ethical and legal impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Neuro technologies and genetics. As part of his commitment to shaping the responsible use of AI, Armin is part of the UOW AI Expert Group that consults the University on AI policies, ensuring that the institution's approach to AI is informed by the latest research and ethical considerations. Armin’s current projects include the potential use of AI in sentencing (collaboration with the University of Brawijaya), the impact of technology on shaping the future of the legal profession (collaboration with Deakin University), the use of natural language models in education and research (collaboration with UNSW), benchmarking Language Models (collaboration with OpenAI).

This webinar is free to attend for ANZAPPL members. Please click here to register.

PO Box 23370, Docklands, Victoria, 8012, Australia

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