A/Prof. Shuichi Suetani is a community psychiatrist in Brisbane. He works as Senior Psychiatrist at the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health. Alongside his psychiatry training (which included two years at the Park), Shuichi completed a PhD exploring the epidemiological relationships between physical activity and mental disorders. Shuichi has published several peer reviewed publications and sits on a few journal editorial committees.
Shuichi will speak present about his experience working as a psychiatrist in the largest Aboriginal community-controlled health organisation in Australia. One of his supervisors at the Park often emphasised the importance of Primum non nocere (first do no harm). He often thinks about who does the most harm and who is harmed the most, especially in the context of mental health in general, and psychiatry in particular.
This event is free to attend, but please email Mark Kebbell (m.kebbell@griffith.edu.au) to indicate your attendance so that we can manage numbers.
PO Box 23370, Docklands, Victoria, 8012, Australia