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Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

Learning from fatal cases: Opportunities to promote knowledge, improve practice and progress reform through domestic violence death review

Wed, 19 Jul 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

The Domestic Violence Death Review Team (DVDRT) was established in the NSW State Coroners Court in 2011 to examine deaths that occur in the context of domestic violence. Through its quantitative and qualitative review processes, the DVDRT aims to identify patterns and trends in domestic violence-related deaths, highlight limitations or weaknesses in service delivery and develop intervention and prevention strategies aimed at improving how we respond to domestic violence, thereby preventing future deaths. This session will present an overview of the establishment and operation of the DVDRT, explore some of the key themes and issues arising in the DVDRT’s work, and reflect on the how this work contributes to the promoting knowledge, improving practice and progressing reform of the domestic violence response system.


Anna Butler commenced her work as the inaugural Manager of the Domestic Violence Death Review Team (DVDRT) in 2011 and has been responsible for developing and implementing the Team’s executive function, operational framework and domestic violence reform agenda. Anna has over 15 years experience in the development of policy and legislation across a number of justice portfolios. She has qualifications in science and law and has previously held roles as a judges associate in the NSW District Court, the Executive Officer of the NSW DNA Review Panel and the Executive Officer of the NSW Sentencing Council.

Cathryn Tomnay joined the Domestic Violence Death Review Team (DVDRT) as Research Analyst in February 2023. She holds a degree in International Development (BA) and has prior experience in roles across the Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) sector including frontline work supporting victim/survivors of Gender Based Violence in the UK.

This webinar will take place online and is free for members of the Association to attend. Others may purchase a ticket on the link below. Registration to attend this webinar is essential for all.

Please click here to register.

The webinar will be recorded and made available for members for 90 days following the event.

PO Box 23370, Docklands, Victoria, 8012, Australia

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